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Testimonials, experiences, & thoughts

Angel Collinson, 2 time world champion Big Mountain Skier.

     "Eric has truly changed my life.  I've been working with him for almost 10 years and he's undoubtedly helped me recover from both of my knee injuries and surgeries to regain proper function of muscles, joints, and mind.  ​I wouldn't be where I am without his work.  As a professional athlete, I've been fortunate to work with highly qualified trainers and therapists and his knowledge of the human body and it's complex workings is unparalleled.  He has an understanding and a no-nonsense approach that I love.  His comprehensive corrective system is able to quickly and thoroughly run a diagnostic check for all of my bodily systems including issues stored in the subconscious".



Lindsey C.

     "I originally went to see Eric for some hip pain.  Eric was very thorough in his assessments and also kept me informed and involved during the treatment.  After having so much success with my hip, we treated my chronic migraines and shoulder pain.  I'm happy to say that after going through the whole clearing process and some soft tissue work in my neck and shoulder, these issues have alredy decreased well over 80%.  Eric always provided a very safe and comfortable experience." 


Julian T.

   " Prior to seeing Eric, I had no awareness or understanding of how the subconscious mind and nervous system were connected to muscle firing and how communication problems create muscle dysfunction.  Eric was very good at explaining how these processes are connected.  The methods he uses made sense even though I had no background in this field.  After each session, I could feel differences in my movement and could feel that my muscles were rebalanced to work the way they should."

Aliette F.

     "I was hopeless, like I was doomed to deal with my reoccurring lower body injuries and symptoms forever.  They would not go away, no matter how hard I worked them.  I had seen specialist after specialist.  Even walking was a daily problem, so I felt completely stuck in my life.  Eric was the first person that I found who was able to permanently fix dysfunctional patterns.  I am so grateful - I couldn't have healed so much without him,"


Ani Jensen - Skyline High school Soccer 2019 State Champions

     "Eric's treatments have helped me stay healthy and functional throughout long seasons and tournaments.  He is able to clear muscle dysfunction and speed up injury recovery.  His work is a very important part of my ability to continue playing at such an intense level."

Laja Field - Professional dancer & teacher

     "I've been going to Eric for about 10 years and he is hands down one of the most influential people in my healing process.  He has helped me come back from multiple injuries and maintain my body during intensive periods of performing, teaching, and traveling.  Throughout the years, I've been impressed with how much Eric works to expand his knowledge and training to become more efficient and effective.  I so appreciate his commitment to bettering his craft and being the benefactor of his ever evolving assessments and corrections.  Eric sees the body and mind as a whole and is able to pin point the cause of the problem, activate or release the muscle, adjust the imbalance or whatever is necessary to alleviate the pattern causing the pain. I've trusted him for years and he remains my top choice when I need to address any pain or dysfunction that is preventing me from performing at my best."

CPRowe Photography

Owen B. - U of U student, snowboarder.


     "Hey Eric, it's Owen and I'm just letting you know that I went riding and my left foot felt amazing, no pains or anything."

Carl Kjeldsberg

     "Eric has been my Massage Therapist for over 5 years now.  I see him once a week.  Exercise has always been an important part of my life.  Skiing cross country and alpine in the winter, and hiking and biking the rest of the year.  I believe that regular massage and bodywork has been salient in maintaining my overall health and longevity.  It has played a role in allowing me to continue to pursue my love for sports, despite being 84 years old.

Eric is the best!  He's an outstanding therapist with so much education, which has been very helpful in recovery from many sports injuries."

Ellen Zinn

     "I have had some left knee instability and discomfort for several years due to several skiing injuries.  I've done several rounds of Physical Therapy, accupuncture, and Feldenkreis work, all of which offered some relief for a while but then my knee would give out again.  Even Tai Chi would bother my knee.  I feel like Eric's work is so detailed and has a unique scope and ability to find the specific dysfunctions causing the longterm problems.  He found lots of muscles not working above and below the knee and why they were not working.  I now feel stronger and more stable than I have in years doing all of my various activities".

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